Winter 2015


Audience in theathre waiting for drama play to start sen from the rear.

I love art in all expressions. I love music, dance, painting, cinema, theatre.

When I was 16 years old, I had the opportunity to go to a small theatre group in the "House of Culture". This is the name of the cultural centers in Colombia where there are libraries, art classes, music classes, dance groups, theatre groups, among others. I was in this a group for 5 years. During this time, I learned vocalization which is the correct way to pronounce words. I also learned voice protection which means that your voice can be heard clearly at low or high volume and that what you are saying can be understood. We also worked on correct body posture and how to build a character. In addition to all this, I learned to see the deeper side of life because in the theatre we are inspired by every experience; no matter how simple it is. All the above mentioned makes theatrical presentations more real, more natural and catch the viewers' attention and make them interested and believe what they see on the stage.

During the time I was in the theatre world, I won a competition at a festival and I performed with the group in many places. During these 5 years, I met many people with long and successful acting careers, which allowed me to enter one of the most important groups in the city. The journey was not easy. I started as a secretary of the group after work. I could rehearse and be in classes for beginners but little by little I was gaining a position in the theatre group. After a wonderful year in this group, I had to say goodbye because although the theatre is exciting it does not generate much income and I had to help at home.

I lived this chapter of my life intensely and it has been one of the most wonderful things that have happened to me. Thanks to the theatre many things happened to me. I left my shyness. I visited other places. I met wonderful people passionate about theatre and with such different abilities such actors who can sing, play instruments, dance or write masterfully.