Winter 2015


3d block letters

My name is Sukhjit. I am from India. I am married. I have two children, one girl and one boy. I graduated from high school in India. I then did a computer course for 2 years in lndia and also I did an office administrator course in Canada. There are six siblings in my family. All of my siblings live in Canada. My husband’s parents live in India. They come to visit us sometimes and sometimes we go to visit them.

My old job in India was as Supervisor of a Travel Agency. Before coming to Canada, we lived in Belgium (Europe). We lived there for seven years. In Belgium my husband had 2 small grocery stores. My youngest son was born in Belgium. We moved to Canada because all my family lives here.

When we came to Canada we bought our motel in Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan (Gravelbourg Inn Motel). My husband and I run the motel. It’s been 6 years now that we have been running this business. My present job is as a Supervisor. Gravelbourg is a small town in Saskatchewan. Here in Gravelbourg, we have a very popular and over a hundred year old church; a lot of people come to see it. The people here are very nice and kind. We moved to Canada for a better future. My goal is to move to Calgary and have a good business.