Winter 2015


canada and syria flags - signs pointing different directions

Deciding to Move your Home to another Country

It’s a big challenge, is not?

Dear friends,

It was not easy to make such decision, I am an immigrant from Syria and I was working as a computer science teacher but I did not want to stop at that point and I decided to develop my skills in other words “I wanted to change my life style”.

My story started in my home country when I started to look for my beloved career but it was not easy to find a job in that career and I had to wait many weeks before I could find a good job and that was my first difficult decision I had ever made which was I had to leave teaching and move to another new difficult career but my passion in programming did not let me even think about the idea and I felt that my dream started to came true and without any delay I made my decision and started my new career.

I was very happy until the war started in my country and everything started to be vague to me, my boss asked me to move with my family to Egypt, I had no choice if I want to make my dream true, after one month I was moved to Egypt and continued working there.

One year later we had to move to turkey due to some problems for the Syrian people and actually it was the best option for us and that was the first step that I made to put my feet on Canada stairs.

Two years later on I have to had another important decision which was moving to Canada and that decision was not a small movement but it was really 180 movement and I had to synthesize all the ideas in my mind again.

Finding a job in a new country is not easy especially when you don’t have anyone to help and for me it was really a problematic problem which could kill my dream, in that time the only idea that came to my mind was asking my company CEO if I can work remotely from Canada and yes he was really open minded and he agreed and he even encourage me to take this important step and to be honest my final decision was depending on his decision, in addition to that my boss know that the face of the live was not as in the past because everything was going to be online with less physical contact in our domains and that support my journey

Anyway, I was really happy because finally everything ended up to be here and I want to send a message to all who read my article please don’t give up there is always a door that can be opened but you just need to see how to open it.

Best Regards,