Winter 2015


man draws abstract tree with colorful smoke flare,illustration painting

Our life is beautiful with a lot to make us happy, but only if we hold the brush in our hand to choose the bright colours to brighten our future. My travel to Canada less than two years ago has been wonderful. I have tried my best throughout this journey and I’m still going through it, taking advantage of all the academic opportunities here for me.

As a first step I enrolled in LINC Home Study. The point was that I would take all my lessons at home because I didn’t know the geography and didn’t have a car, and by my good luck I got a great teacher who was my guiding star in this country and was there for me from the beginning until this point. She supported me throughout. I loved the English language and started using it daily, and my confidence boosted, although I made mistakes while talking, but that gave me more power to learn more English. This journey has given me the opportunity to achieve one of my goals which was to complete my studies. It happened when I registered in Oxford College to enroll in the Community & Development Services Worker (CDSW) program. I graduated with great marks, which made me feel proud because it was a great accomplishment. This all was from my self-motivation to become the best role model for my children. As it surely was with the support of my family and everyone around me.

I want to thank Canada for everything it has given us. My advice to you is to pick up your brush and paint your painting with the colours you choose. Because, after all, you are the painter of your own future.