Winter 2015


flower sprouting through snow

The Spring season arrives after waiting patiently through a long and hard winter. Spring is a gift of nature. It decorates nature with green grass and wraps the dry trees with a fresh variety of coloured leaves and flowers. On seeing the beauty of spring, poets get very enthusiastic, get hooked on it, and try to write poetry with good rhymes. The attractive colours of nature give ideas to weavers to design clothes of different colours. Animals and birds that were hungry during winter now get ample food to get fat. Honeybees can once again collect nectar and pollen to produce wax and honey for humans. The beauty of spring pulls out human beings from closed door environments to a fresh air atmosphere. Now smiling faces of children are seen in the parks. In spring, the first leaves and the first flowers that sprout out require a real strength. This is a big lesson of nature to human beings that only strong-willed people can make their way through difficulties. By patiently waiting for the spring season, we hope that hard days will be over soon.

I recollect during my routine walk. I observed two trees on either side of the road. One is small, the other is tall and strong. The later is enjoying the spring season fully with fresh leaves, but sadly the small tree is dry as it is in winter. After a few days I observed the branches of the tall tree are falling, blowing towards the small tree. I also became conscious of why this small tree is not picking up the spring season. To my surprise during my walk I observed the green branches of the tall tree, now green, are hanging over the small tree, trying to pat and encourage it to get up from a long, deep slumber. The continuous efforts of the tall tree brought bloom and vigour to the small tree. It became green too. I was pleased that motivation has brought success and learnt that if a tree can do it, I too can motivate society to make it Green.