Winter 2015


Wooden Block calendar for World Earth Day April 22, Wooden Block calendar and handmade globe on wood

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. As this year is a little special because we can't go out to do something because of social distancing. At the same time, my children are only 5 years old and 2 years old. They are too young to understand why we have to save the earth. Then I told them it's the earth's birthday. What gifts do you want to prepare for our earth?

In the morning, I took them to water our flowers and grass. It's very important for us to take care of our plants to protect our environment. Plants not only make our city beautiful but also keep the air clean. Without clean air, we wouldn't stay healthy. In the afternoon, I asked them to gather the cells from their toys which were used. We couldn't throw them everywhere because they would damage the earth and produce harmful substances. Finally, we read some stories about protecting our earth.

We had a wonderful day though we only did some trivial things. The most important is that we created an awareness of protecting our earth for our children.