Winter 2015


Blackboard with English text stay home. concept of quarantine during a coronavirus pandemic. a call

After immigrating to Canada, I have done two jobs and I found these two jobs are not suitable for me. I started to think about what my interest in careers.

After a while, I started to search which is my favorite program in different schools and different colleges. I did not give up or skip any open house. I found my favorite subject is studying the Early Childhood Education because I figured myself, I like kids a lot and I wanted to work with them, therefore, I applied to get upgrade myself education to a college. I was so excited to get into the program in May 2020; however, the school is closed in May during the pandemic. School told me I must wait until September to start the program. Suddenly, I felt it is so disappointing as I cannot start my program on time, and it will be delayed for few more months.

Later in Ministry of Education called about my funding of applying the school in May. The officer told that my funding has been cancelled as the they do not know if the school will reopen in September, even though my program had already postponed from May to September. The officer said he will cancel my file and I must reapply for the funding in mid-July. I am so upset about that. I still hope I can get into the program in September and can get the funding for the program. However, at the same time, I can do nothing about it because it is not under my control and I must move on.

This is one of my challenges during pandemic and I must accept it.