Winter 2015


Bunch of beautiful wedding boutonnieres tied with ribbons laying on the golden tray

Different countries have different customs. I can tell you about old customs in Ukraine. Some families now observe them, and some don’t as the modern world has changed.

One of the first customs of a Ukrainian wedding is the scheduled visit of the groom's relatives (father, brothers, uncle) in the bride's house - matchmaking. They should be the first to start talking to the girl’s parents about the wedding. The main purpose of the visit is to obtain the consent of the girl and her family for marriage. According to ancient folk customs, matchmakers come to the girl’s house with fresh bread. It is brought to the bride's table just before the conversation about the upcoming wedding begins. If the bride accepts the proposal, she has to cut the bread. After this, the bread is placed on a towel and given to the matchmakers. If the girl refuses the groom, then the matchmakers receive a symbol of refusal - a pumpkin.

The next stage after obtaining the girl’s consent is the viewing. At the bride's viewing, she has to demonstrate all her skills as a good housewife that she can be. It is important to demonstrate exactly her cooking skills. After the viewing, the engagement follows, and this symbolizes the last stage of the bride and groom’s agreements. The hands of the newlyweds are tightly tied with a towel by the groom’s parents.

While waiting for the wedding, the bride embroiders a towel. It symbolizes the unity of the couple in married life, the formation of a new strong family, joy and happiness.

On the wedding day, the first part of the ritual is the bride’s buying from her family. The groom is put to the test and tries to pay as much as possible (in cash or gifts) as price for his future wife. Having done this, the groom takes her in his arms, and they walk or ride to the church.

After the wedding is completed, the newlyweds are showered with coins and grain by the guests wishing them a happy and rich life. For the important day, they bake a loaf of wedding bread. According to tradition, the newlyweds must break off a piece of this loaf. Whoever has the larger piece will be the head of the family. Also, there is salt on the tray and the newlyweds must put bread there and feed each other, so that in their life together they do not quarrel and do not spill salt on each other.

One of the most touching customs is the unraveling of the bride's braids. This symbolizes that from now on she becomes a wife.