Winter 2015


man playing on acoustic guitar and singing song at big bonfire at camp

When I was a child, one of my favourite folk holidays was ‘Kupala Night’. Otherwise known as the celebration of the Summer Solstice. I always looked forward to celebrating this magical festival outdoors with friends and family.

Kupala Night is a very significant holiday in my home country, Ukraine. Many Ukrainians start celebrating this holiday on the eve of July six and continue into the early morning hours of July seven. This holiday is rooted in ancient Ukrainian history when paganism was widely practiced. During this period, people believed in the spirit gods and elements. Because of these beliefs, all ceremonies on this night are based on communication with nature.

Kupala night is one of the most colourful holidays in Ukrainian culture filled with ceremonial dancing and traditional songs. Partakers dress in the same embroidered costumes that were worn in the Middle Ages. The main feature of the Kupala holiday is the ceremonial bonfire. People believe that during this night fire has magical power and can treat many diseases and dispel negative energy. Once the sun goes down, participants gather on a hill near a lake and build a large outdoor fire with a pole in the middle. After the fire is lit, young couples hold each other’s hands and jump over the flames. Some people believe if the couple’s hands stay together while jumping over it, they will get married in the future.

Single people also practice another old tradition. They make a flower wreath, drop into a lake to predict from which side of the world they will meet their soul mate. If is a relatively calm night, the flower wreaths will move in many different directions.

Our ancestors believed that the eve of July six was the best time to harvest herbs as they have special healing powers. According to ancient beliefs, herbs that are harvested this night bring happiness and health. The present-day tradition of having a picnic with aromatic herbal tea during the celebration originated from that time.

Kupala Night is a celebration of old traditions, where laughter and the sound of traditional songs can be heard everywhere giving people the opportunity to feel at one with nature and connected to their heritage.