Winter 2015


Evolution with AI: Interaction with Modern Technology and the Network

Nowadays we are faced with tons of information: turned on radio with news and morning shows in the car while driving to the work, the news apps in smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, advertisements in the app and on the street walls and the billboards. We consume a huge portion of information daily and sometimes can't even recognize that we are sinking in the ocean of information. Information is surrounding us everywhere and all the time during the day or even disturbing us at night. Sometimes smartphones send notifications such as emails, the app updates, reminders etc. even in the middle of the night. People are becoming addicted to smartphones and information day after day more and more. I became more addicted to smartphones as well. When I wake up in the morning first of all I check if I got any notifications or email from dispatch or if I hadn't missed an important call or a message. Every evening before I go to bed I turn on “Do not Disturb Mode” on the phone as it helps me to sleep more comfortably and enjoy silence just for few hours.

In XXI century our mind and brain became overwhelmed with gigabytes of information and day after day it is going to get worse. That's why it has become more difficult for children and for adults to study as well. Brain consumes a huge amount of information from different resources and mostly it can't recognize what kind of information is important and useful and what information is not important and can be skipped. Reading friend's posts, scrolling short videos or photos is wasting our attention and consideration for useless information.

Unfortunately in our modern world we can't avoid or escape from all these gadgets and information but we can just reduce the use of smartphones and gadgets and keep our brain healthy and our mind clear.