Winter 2015


pink and purple tulips on a pink background and ceramic hearts with the inscription Dream, Hope, Wis

Now that 2023 has ended, I can reflect on the past twelve months and consider what I have learned, achieved, and regretted. It has been a year of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, challenges and opportunities.

I regret not spending more time with my family and friends. I regret not pursuing some of the hobbies and interests that I have always wanted to try, such as learning a new language or playing an instrument. But They were not my faults. Because I had to work most of time of that year.

On the other hand, I also have many things to be grateful for and proud of in 2023. I graduated from a short course in Data Analytics. I traveled to some beautiful places and experienced some provinces.

Looking ahead to 2024, I hope to make positive changes and improve my life. I hope to spend more quality time with my loved ones and show them how much I appreciate them. I hope to take better care of myself and adopt a healthier lifestyle. I hope to learn new skills and explore new horizons.

I wish for a happy, healthy, and profitable new year for myself and everyone else. I wish for peace, harmony, and justice in the world. I wish for a return to normalcy in the economy now that the pandemic is over.

I plan to set realistic and achievable goals and work hard to accomplish them. I plan to be more organized, disciplined and focused. I plan to be more optimistic, resilient, and adaptable.

I believe 2024 will be an excellent year for me and everyone. I am excited and ready for the new challenges and opportunities. I am confident and hopeful for the future.