Winter 2015


Woman waving flag of Canada from the car window. Travel concept.

My family and I arrived in Canada almost a year ago. It wasn’t a long-planned story; vice versa, it was a decision that was made quickly and seemed the only right one. Time flies so fast.

What can I say about Canada? For me, this is the country that accepted me and my family and I can only say thank you. We really appreciate the people that we met on our way. Here I found a school for my child, a job for myself and a house that I can call home. We started work almost from the first day when we came to Canada and only because of this we can live until now. If I would like to compare my previous life that I had and the present one, I wouldn’t find a lot of difficulties. I mean my schedule is almost the same. I have to wake up early in the morning and prepare everything for my kid’s school, then bus, then work, bus again, shopping and home. The only difference is that here I almost have no weekends, but that is not a big deal. When we arrived, I realized that we should start everything from the beginning, and we should work if we want to obtain something. So, I really appreciate that I have this chance.

My biggest goal here is to see as much as I can. I know that Canada is a huge country with brilliant opportunities, and I wish to look at it from my perspective. Now we have had just a few trips around our province, but I believe they are not the last.

We are settled in a great area, and it is so gorgeous here in summer. There are an incredible number of summer cottages and a huge amount of tourists arrive in the summer season. We have beautiful lakes, beaches and woods. The nature here is unimaginably beautiful. The days are so long in the summer, and we can just walk enjoying nature.

Unfortunately, we are short on time for staying here, but at least here we can be safe and will use any possibility to be happy in this beautiful country.