Winter 2015


Collection of the new swiss banknotes

If I won one million dollars in the lottery, the first thing I would do is go to a coffee shop and try to calm down. I would order a medium decaf and think about my next steps. I used to think about this before, so I already know how I would share, spend, and invest the money. I would not hurry because I am sure I would need a few days, maybe weeks to train my brain to believe that I won a big chunk of money.

My first step would be to give some money to my mom, my brother and his kids, and a couple more of my family members. I would give them about 200 grand total.

The next step would be to buy a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house with a basement. In the basement I would put a game room and probably a small gym because I would like to live healthier. It would cost about 350 grand.

After this, I would buy a new car. Nothing special, just a regular car. I would not buy a dream car or an expensive sports car. I don't need to impress anybody. It's about my comfort and not what others think about me. My happiness is not based on what others think about me. The car would cost about 50 grand.

Then, I would invest 200 grand in some business. I am not sure if I would start a business from scratch or become a partner in an existing business. I would probably do both. About 100 grand for the new business and another 100 for the already running business.

The last 200 grand I would just keep in the bank but not in one bank and not in one account. I would spread it between 2-3 banks and 4-5 accounts. It would be safer this way I think.

Note: grand is slang for a thousand dollars, so 200 grand is $200’000