Winter 2015


Scenes from a local Australian op-shop (thrift store) full of recycled clothes, homewares and books.

Buying second hand items can be fun and helps us to save money.

A flower vase is the best second-hand item I have ever purchased because it’s very cheap and beautiful. I loved it when I first saw it and it looks quite valuable. I think it was a good find. I like to go around thrift shops.

I would not buy used bed items like a mattress because I heard from my friend that she bought an old mattress due to the price, but she found bed bugs in the mattress. I’m afraid of bed bugs, so I decided I would not buy them in the future.

I would sell something I do not need. I would buy tools used in the garden new.

In my opinion, thrift shops are a solution to the garbage problem. They can help some poor people to buy some used and cheap items instead of new expensive ones. I heard people contribute to donation centres to help poor people.