Winter 2015


Mutated Omicron SARS-CoV-2 virus, foreground, and SARS-CoV-2 delta strain, background. Electron micr

Coronavirus is a SARS virus which does not need any introduction. Coronavirus has been around us since the end of 2019 and is largely known as Covid 19 across the world. Covid 19 affected all of us in so many ways which has had mostly unpleasant results along with some positive outcomes as well.

At first, a large number of people died fighting Coronavirus before vaccines. This caused of a lot of heartbreak for families, especially because many did not get the chance to say goodbye. We all had to learn how to take precautions such as wearing masks, frequent handwashing and using hand sanitizers. Now, the continuous evolution of new strains has been making our lives more stressful and inconsistent. The impacts of Coronavirus can be easily seen around us in terms of the slowing down of the economy, growing health problems, and overall development in life changing outcomes. Moreover, financial instability has grown to a different level, affecting the mental health and affordability of common people.

On the other side, Covid 19 has changed our family life drastically. Mostly, we all stayed together during lockdowns and that helped us to understand each other. So, I must say, this virus moved us closer to our families and friends, which has helped us to remember the value of these relationships and the time we spend with each other. Secondly, we have been using face masks and covering up during these past few years which has also helped us to protect our body from common viruses such as influenza and other respiratory diseases. In addition to this, frequent hand washing has also provided us with a good hygiene level. Most importantly, during Coronavirus people have started working towards improving their eating habits, mental health, and physical exercises.

Overall, Covid has affected us in both positive and negative ways. During Covid, people who had lost their loved ones, could be seen in pain and sorrow. But, on the other hand, the pandemic has imported happiness and excitement in some people’s lives. So, we all have learned something from Coronavirus, and it will be really hard for us to forget the lessons learned from this pandemic.