Winter 2015


Biology laboratory nature and science, plants with biochemistry structure on green background.

Studying biology class has changed my prospective toward this life. I realized how much biology is significant and connected to our daily life. In fact, it provided me an in-depth, scientific understanding of how all living and nonliving organisms interact with each other and how our bodies are use the nutrients and change them to energy in order to enable us to perform our daily activities. In addition, it gives me insights into how diverse life forms are and how biology is involved other fields of research that are related to the sustainability of life. Such as the environment, ecosystem, food quality, causes of illnesses, development of medicines and study of the human body. The three big things that I learned during the class and I have been using them in my daily life are the animal anatomy especially human body, immune system and plants reproduction. I will discuss more in the two next paragraphs.

The animal anatomy lesson was provided me the basic knowledge about the human body. It helps me to understand the fundamental concepts of how our bodies function and structure is. I have been using that information on my workout and my diet schedule. For example, the lesson helped me to acquire a fit and healthy body by focusing on the different muscles of my body during work out and eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables, whole grain, protein and low fat and etc. The other lesson which had the most positive effect on me was the immune system and the blood cells. In fact, these lessons were a great inspiration to me toward a new and healthy life routine. The night, right after the immune system lesson, I have fixed up my sleeping time because I have studied that lack of sleep can affect our immune system. Those people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, or bacteria such as a common cold virus. Also lack of sleep is the reason that how fast we recover if we get sick because sleep deprivation may decrease production of protein and cause weakness of immune system. In contrast, if we get perfect and enough sleep, our body immune system will be strong enough to fight infections because during sleep our immune system release the proteins called cytokines which helps us with infection, inflammation or when we’re under stress. As a result some of our blood cells are reduced and our body will have hard time to fight infections and recover.

The third lesson which I practically use it in my life is the plants. The plants have taught me the real life lessons. For instance plants are adaptable, add value to the others life, move at their own pace and never stop their growing. Furthermore, I noticed that plants are extremely used in the human’s life as a decoration at the home, gift for friends, food sources, fibers, shelters, medicines and fuel. In addition, I have been reproducing many roses through the stem cutting from a rose’s bouquet since I have studied plants reproduction. For example, here is what I usually do when I get a rose’s bouquet as a gift. First, I select the youngest branch of the rose and cut that off into 1-2 feet in length. Second, I remove some unnecessary leaves from the rose to help the plant to get nutrients easily. Third, I use a pencil to make a hole of 3 to 4 inches or at least big enough to insert the cuttings easily into the soil. Fourth, I cover it with a plastic bag to provide a proper temperature of growing. Finally, after 4 to 6 week my plants start to leaf.

To summarize, biology is important because it helps us understand how living things work and how they function and interact on multiple levels. For example, the bacterium Lactobacillus aid in the formation of dairy products like curd, cheese and yogurt or animals; pollinators do an essential ecological survival function and plants and animals are functioning as a rich food source.