Winter 2015


Red hot chili pepper sauce


Chili oil is my most favorite dressing for salad or dumplings. It is very easy to make and is very tasty!


  • Crushed chili (1 ½ cup)
  • Sesame seeds (3~4 teaspoons)
  • Sesame oil (2 teaspoons)
  • Canola oil (1 cup)
  • Cooking wine (1 teaspoon)
  • Salt (? teaspoon)


In a large bowl, sift together the crushed chili, sesame seeds, salt and sesame oil. Then, heat up the canola oil to 200? and put into the bowl. Use a spoon that is not plastic to mix until it is fully mixed. Finally, put the cooking wine and salt.


  1. Make sure the bowl is clean and without any water; otherwise, the hot oil will pop when mixed with water.
  2. After cooking, let the chili oil cool down for 10 minutes before using.
  3. The chili oil is not just for salads or dumplings but also for noodles and fried rice.

Pour it on your favorite dish and enjoy!