Winter 2015


 man feeling sad and stressed after losing his money playing slots in a casino

Addiction is a monster; it will destroy anything on its way. There is no mercy in addiction; it is merciless and greedy! Always asking for more and more, it will make you lose everything you have, your spouse, your kids, your family, your job, your house, your business and even yourself.

Some people can get addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling. Every day we see commercials on TV about how dangerous the addiction can be. We hear our doctors giving advice and ask us if we are addicted to alcohol or drugs. To be honest with you, no one has ever asked me before if I’m addicted to gambling and I can’t even remember if I watched any commercials giving advice on the dangers of gambling.

In my opinion, gambling addiction could be the most difficult kind of addiction to discover. I know lots of people like to go and having fun in casinos. They like dressing up, blowing some money, drinking and enjoying all night there.

People like the idea that they are special, lots of people are taking care of them. This is exactly what the casinos do - they work on self-esteem marketing by letting you feel how important you are. They spoil you and you will be surrounded by lots of people encouraging you to play more and blow more money to have fun because you deserve to enjoy your time. Isn’t this genius?

According to HELPGUIDE.org article on Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling, here are the definition and some interesting facts about gambling:

“Gambling is a problem that can happen to anyone from any walk of life, when your gambling goes from a fun harmless diversion to an unhealthy obsession with serious consequences… A gambling problem can strain your relationships, interfere with work and lead to financial disaster… You may do things that you never even thought you would… Gambling addiction is known as pathological gambling, compulsive gambling or gambling disorder is “control disorder” which means you cannot control yourself; you will gamble even when it has negative consequence.”

Gambling problems are associated with other behavior and mood disorder, gamblers also suffer from abuse issues, stress, depression, anxiety, unmanaged ADHD.

There are some Myths and Facts about Gambling (from the above-mentioned website).

Myth: You have to gamble every day to be a problem gambler.

Fact: A problem gambler may gamble frequently or infrequently; gambling is problem if it causes problems.

Myth: Problem gambling is not really a problem if the gambler can afford it.

Fact: The problems caused by gambling is not only financial problems, spending time gambling may cause relationship problems, job loss, mental health problems like depression, anxiety and even suicide.

Myth: Having gambling problems is just a case of being weak-willed, irresponsible and unintelligent.

Fact: Gambling problems affect all people from all background and intelligence level, previously responsible and strong-willed people.

Myth: Partners of gamblers often drive their loved ones to gamble.

Fact: Gamblers always try to rationalize their behavior so they start blaming their partners as a way to avoid taking responsibilities for their actions.

Myth: If a gambler builds up a debt, you should help them to take care of it.

Fact: Helping the gambler to find a quick solution and helping them to fix their problem appear as the right decision but in fact, it makes things worse by enabling their gambling problem to continue.

There are some signs and symptoms of gambling addiction.

  1. Feeling that there is a need to gamble secretly.
  2. Having trouble controlling your gambling.
  3. Gambling even when you don’t have money or until your last dollar, borrow, sell and even steal money to gamble.

It is never too late to ask for help from your family and friends to help solve your gambling problem. Share your feelings and your fears, trust them, let them take you to see a specialist and keep you busy and surrounded by your loved ones, who will take care of you, make you feel happy and special again and help you quit gambling.

It’s never too late to change your life for the better and live happily ever after!