Winter 2015


butterflies in conservatory sitting on leaves

This winter, my brother visited me from UAE. Although he visited me before he had not seen many places here, so this time we planned to explore different places. Butterfly Conservatory was on top of the list.

Firstly we booked the tickets online to avoid any hassle. We chose this place because it is an informative place. My kids were very excited to explore this place. We left in the morning as it was a couple of hour drive from our town. Even though it was freezing rain we reached on time.

It was located on the grounds of the Niagara Park Botanical Gardens. We were transported to the tropical paradise full of fresh vegetation, waterfalls and hundreds of vibrantly colored butterflies made up of 45 species furthermore.

We watched butterflies arranged from their eggs to prepare for their first flight. Our tour was self guided, however a short informative video presentation was showed to us. In short, our tour to Conservatory was very fulfilling and pleasantly ended with a hot cup of coffee from their cafe.