Winter 2015


Beautiful garden scene with White and pink flower trees

Compared to spring in my hometown in southern China, spring in Toronto is short. Every February, people in my hometown start to enjoy their springtime, picnic, hiking, viewing flowers. While spring lasts until the end of May in my hometown, summer in Toronto starts in late April.

Although brief, spring in Toronto is quite lively. After months of snow and freezing winds, suddenly, spring rain screams, 'Spring is here!' It's like nature hitting the snooze button and finally waking up from its winter nap. The air feels crisp, but not chilly anymore. The trees begin to bud almost overnight. Soon after, dandelions and other flowers start to bloom. Plants are like, 'We are budding today, bloom tomorrow, and bear fruit the day after.' In the words of my friends, it's like they're all in a rush; they have got a deadline to meet before summer crashes the city.

In my view, this isn't rushing; it's cherishing. Plants are actively embracing suitable sunlight and temperature, completing their life cycles, and so are people. You can feel it in the air. People are out and about, soaking up every bit of sunshine they can get. Everyone has suddenly got this burst of energy, ready to face whatever life throws at them. Canadian spring is not only about flowers and sunshine, but it's about grasping the moment, living life to the fullest, and embracing the beauty of the present. I love the short and lively Canadian spring.