Winter 2015


a black butterfly on a flower with light reflect

Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons among all seasons and I think everyone likes it. I'm looking forward to walking in green places like mountains, parks or along rivers. When I walk in the parks, I like to listen to Turkish songs because they are my favourite songs and they make me happy.

Also, I really enjoy going camping somewhere with my family. For example, last spring my family and I went camping in Niagara Falls. We went to the Butterfly Conservation area and saw beautiful butterflies which were flying around. One butterfly sat on my hand and I felt fantastic. So, I took a picture of it.

All my friends wait for spring time to play soccer. Now because the weather is cold, we can't play outside. I hope that this spring will be warm, so we can have the best memories with my friends when we play soccer.

This is the first spring that I spend with my wife and she has plans to go to Niagara Falls. It will be her first visit. Because I have been there before, I will show her the falls, the town, and the restaurants. We plan to walk around and after we will go to an Afghani restaurant. We will have kebab. Finally, we will sit on a park bench, watch the birds and eat popcorn.