Winter 2015


Delicious porridge with fresh berries, cinnamon and mint

I like to choose eating healthy food for my life every day. Healthy food keeps my body healthy. For example, some fruits help my body because they have vitamin C, which is good for my skin, making it bright. Fruits like kiwi, oranges, strawberries, and apples are rich in vitamin C. Seafood and eggs provide my body with Vitamin D, essential for strong bones. I enjoy eating salmon, oysters, and shrimp.

Additionally, I prefer cooking and consuming vegan food. I eat vegan food for four months every year, following the lunar calendar to determine when. During full moon phases, I eat vegan food exclusively, a habit I learned from my mom. However, I've decided to eat vegan for the entire months of December and January, and again in April and July. In the remaining months, I eat seafood but never meat.

In general, I choose lots of fruit and vegetables in my diet because they contribute to my overall health.