Winter 2015


unloading garbage from garbage truck

Transportation has developed in short periods of time and computer networks created a connected world. It makes the world closer and smaller. We can go everywhere and people are more interested in different countries. Many people want to travel internationally. It has happened very fast and lots of people have rushed to other countries. Also many travel agents offer new travel products every season. International travel has a negative impact on the environment.

People have common sense but if they arrive in a different place, they forget their basic manners. For example Jeju Island International Airport spent a lot of money to clean the garbage. The problem arises when the tourists rip the wrapping from the items at the gate before boarding, to reduce their size and weight. Then they leave the rubbish on the floor. Staff from duty free shops and cleaners have asked tourists to use dumpsters and even gave them garbage bags.

Most people take an airplane for their travel. It causes air pollution. If we choose to travel by car or a cruise ship, it also creates pollution. When fuel is burned it makes carbon dioxide. It contributes to climate change. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, 8-10 % of global CO2 emissions are caused by the travel and tourism sector.

Also international travel can make negative impacts on the local community. It causes pollution and damage to natural habitats. Tourists can be disrespectful when they are visiting different cultural areas and significant locations. Many people book a lot of activities, for example scuba diving, hiking, and so on. It is a risk for the local community, animals and plants.

I like to travel all over the world. But we have to know about those problems and think about how to travel properly. It can be a serious problem.