Winter 2015


a bowl of fruit and flowers

Yalda night is also known by names such as Shab Cheleh, Unbreakabel Khurshid, Milad Mehdi, etc., which is called the last night of autumn and the longest night of the year. The time interval is between sunset on December 30 and sunrise on January 1. This night is celebrated in Farsi speaking countries like Afghanistan, Iran, and Tajekestan.

People of ancient times were engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture and adjusted their lives based on nature; so that the change of season, and the shortness or length of night and day had a significant impact on their lives. Therefore, they attached special importance to the light, warmth and length of the days and considered it good and pleasant.

Moreover, Yalda is celebrated as a family gathering and a table with special foods. It consist of nuts, with seven types of fruits. One of these fruits is watermelon, without which Yalda night is not complete. Because it is believed that by eating a fruit that is symbol of summer, the cold will not affect them during winter. Pomegranate as a symbol of happiness and birth, is the constant fruit of Yalda night.

This celebration is often hosted by elders, which is memorable and unforgettable. The most important part of this celebration can be considered as the gathering of family members and relatives who spend the longest night of the year happily and together. Poetry reading and storytelling is one of other attractive parts of Yalda night. Elders read poems to the guests, along with telling stories from Shahnameh and Pandamouz.