Winter 2015


Toy plane in hand with world map on background

Let me share with you my life story which happened to me in 2022. I had left Ukraine and went to Saudi Arabia where I worked at a new brand just opened restaurant for a short term contract in the beginning of February 2022. The war between Russia and Ukraine started in twenty days since I left Ukraine.

I have had plans to come back to Ukraine and have my regular life there because of my family. My parents, two sisters with their husbands, two nephews and one niece. We were twelve members of one big family ...

While I was working in Saudi Arabia, I had decided "I am not coming back". So, I started to call all my friends and business contacts to find some place to leave and work somewhere, actually it does not matter where.

From another hand I was looking for ways to get my wife and 15 months old daughter out of Ukraine. It was a really challenging time in my life. Also it was a shocked news for me that my family would like to stay in Ukraine. And I cannot change it, I just have to live with this. After some period of time I found a few options with job offers and housing.

Coming back to 2019 when I have applied for a Canadian visa, I was rejected. And I had left this idea and never came back to it.

But this time in 2022 the Canadian government have created a simplified visa application scheme. We decided to apply for visas and we got them. At that moment we just said it's a good chance to get so far from the war. When we had make this decision I started to look for a job. In the end of the story I got three job offers from Nunavut, New Brunswick and Ontario. And Ontario was the best scenario in our opinion. It was a long way to come to Canada.

In my opinion Canada is one of the most stable, independent, safe countries with a real opportunity to settle down here with a good future for our daughter. Since we lost our home in Ukraine, Canada is our second home. Also, if we can fit into a Canadian society and fill up the Canadian job market we will do our best for our future and the future of our two and half years old daughter.

P.S. Nowadays we can see how Canadian market changes every day. It doesn’t have any more stable economic system, government control of prices, … etc. This year we got the biggest per cent of inflation, prices for food, gas went significantly up. Per cent for mortgage almost doubled. And it’s not the end of global financial issues. We are welcome to time of big global changes. We are all on board the ship in order to survive.