Winter 2015


steaming hot dishes displayed on counter

The last time I was in the restaurant was six or eight months ago, while I was still in Hungary, where my family and I lived before Canada. There is a very famous chain of restaurants, which is called Trofea in Budapest. You pay a fixed fee for the entrance and can eat everything you want and as much as you can and want. A wide choice of ready- made delicious dishes is waiting for visitors. You can choose fried fish, different kinds of meat, vegetables and seafood. After that you can continue your dinner with a lot of cakes, pies, fruits and drinks. As for alcohol, the entrance fee lets you drink one bottle of champagne. As for beer, wine or gin, you have to buy them in addition if you want. This is a very popular restaurant, because all the food is fresh, tasty and not so expensive nowadays. Sometimes it can be too noisy, because many people spend their time there to celebrate birthdays or just have a big dinner, but I enjoyed it. As for me, unfortunately, I have been to this restaurant only once. I lived in Hungary for three years and worked at the Samsung factory. Once my colleagues and I went to this restaurant together. It was a wonderful day. First, we went on a tour of the city, and then in the evening, we had dinner with various delicious dishes and talked with each other. As for Canada, I don’t have a favourite yet, but I can see a lot of small road cafes here, which belong to different chains - like Harveys, Pepys, Chinese food restaurants and others. Also, in big malls and large stores I can go to restaurants. These restaurants suggest cuisines of almost all people of the world because citizens of Canada are of many different nationalities.