Winter 2015


caption Learn A New Skill

It is possible and even necessary to study at any age, get higher education, take refresher courses and training. It is the ability to learn and apply knowledge in practice throughout life that is characteristic of successful and wealthy people. Many people neglect this and stop getting higher education although there are those who do otherwise. In the modern world, thanks to higher education, a person masters new skills that allow him to earn more, which makes it possible to eat delicious food, live in a comfortable home, travel and much more. Some people may claim after forty, memory and learning abilities are no longer the same as those at eighteen, it is difficult to get a higher education, and it is impossible to find a job in a new specialty. Yes, the memory of a person who has lost the habit of learning is a little weaker, but training can raise it to a good level, and statements that the brain of a forty-year-old cannot absorb information as successfully as a young one is just a social myth. With desire and perseverance, the brain is able to overtake the minds of young students, due to the acquired life experience and the ability to analyze. Now it is a wonderful time, allowing you to change your specialty even at the age of fifty and earn, for example, through the Internet in the field of marketing, copywriting, translating of texts, and much more. Currently, there are many forms of education for people in their thirties and over - these are weekend groups, evening groups and distance learning via the Internet. All of them allow you to study without interfering with the main work that people do on weekdays. When a person learns, they constantly use the processes of thinking and memory, and their brain develops, forming new connections between neurons. All this allows the brain not to degrade, which inevitably happens if a person lives monotonously and does not learn anything. Lifelong learning is one of the keys to achieving longevity.