Winter 2015


Lanterns in night

The most of my favorite celebration is Eid al -Fitr. One of the most significant Islamic holidays is Eid al-Fitr, also known as Eid. Muslims fast every day during the holy month from dawn until dusk, and after 29 or 30 days then we celebrate Eid with their families and friends to mark the start of a new month. They thank Allah. And pray to God for giving them the ability to keep Ramadan fast for the entire month. Men dress in brand new kurta -pajamas. And women adorn themselves with jewelry and dresses. They use henna to adorn their hands as well. As a group people visit each other and give gifts to each other.

On the day of Eid people gather to pray at the mosques. In every mosque everyone gives huge and good wishes to each other. On these occasions, popular Indian dishes are served like biryani which is a spiced mix of meat and rice traditionally cooked over an open fire in a leather pot. It is combined in different ways with a variety of components to create a number of highly tasty and unique flavor combinations. Sweet dishes like Gulab jamuns are also served. They are very sweet and they are fried dough balls in hot oil and then put in to sugar syrup. These are prepared on the day of Eid. They are served to family members and friends and neighbors. Other Muslims beliefs are that Ramadan purifies the soul. This festival removes hatred, jealousy and instead celebrates compassion and brotherhood. I love this celebration.