Winter 2015


Saint Andrew orthodox church in Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukraine is me. Ukraine is a country of indomitable people. Ukraine is my Motherland, the country in which I was born. Our country is still quite young, so its future depends on us and the next generations.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in Europe, founded at least 1500 years ago.

Ukraine is a powerful and flourishing country with an ancient culture. The nature of our country impresses with its diversity. We have forests, fields, lakes, seas, mountains and plains.

Ukrainians are distinguished by their hospitality, kindness and courage. Ukraine is an original and independent state that has great prospects for development.

This was my country until February 24, 2022. At 4 in the morning, every family, every person woke up to the explosions. This was the beginning of the war. War for freedom, preservation of borders and human value. No one knew how long it would last. But everyone believed that it would not last long.

But these 19 months of horror and despair will remain in the memory of each of us. Many women left as children, many remained. This war made us even stronger. Each of us. Who stayed at home and who had to leave. This war will not break us. Everyone is united and tirelessly fighting for freedom. This war not only for Ukrainians, but also for the whole world. Together we will win. Together we are stronger. Let's stand together.