Winter 2015


Crumpled paper ball with words Depression

Depression kills our soul. In my opinion depression is caused by yourself few months ago I used to think that depression is caused by others but now I realised that it is caused by others but now I realised that it is caused by us. Because when we have caring, and sensitive nature and we love others and taking care of our loved ones more than ourselves. After giving lots of love, respect and care to others. We are accepting same things in return which mostly we did not receive because they do not have a nature like you. They only care about there self you are a last priority to them because of their selfish nature. So, our high expectation from self centred people is a reason of our depression.

To heal your soul from depression there are two ways. First one is if that person gives you same love and respect as you wish which is not possible in many cases. The second option is you must fight with yourself and make your connection with God. Believing on God give strength to your soul and gradually you gain that strength and courage when others behaviour does not affect you.