Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

Dominican Republic flag waving in the wind against palm trees and blue sky

I love to go on vacation and see interesting places with my family. For the last two years, we hadn’t gone out of the country because of the coronavirus. Therefore, when some of our community friends from my native country, made a plan to go on vacation to one of the Caribbean countries, I and my husband happily joined them. We waited for the cheaper tickets to come out and booked tickets for the Dominican Republic last September.

I was very excited because this was the first time that I was going to spend a vacation with my friends. The big day came, and we all arrived at the airport on time and flew to our destination. The plane arrived as scheduled and we were welcomed by the resort employees. We were taken to a 5-star hotel by a luxurious bus. It was very hot and because of the heat, I got sick and remained a little sick throughout the trip.

The resort was very clean and had beautiful scenery. We enjoyed the different kinds of food and fruits that were provided. We used to get up early and stroll on the beach every day. On the beach there were many villagers who brought their beautiful products to sell, we bargained until they reduced the price and bought a lot of things from them to give to our friends and family as gifts. We also got body massages at a very cheap rate. We went on a cruise and visited many interesting places, villages, and shopping centers. We also saw a Dolphin watching show.

The time went by so fast and the departure day came quickly. We all came happily and told everyone about our trip. In short, it was a great trip. The only setback was the weather which was very hot. I got sick there because of the heat and continued to be sick even after I came back. So, we decided that for future vacations we will make sure to check the weather of the place we pick first for our next vacation. We had such a good time together that we are already planning another trip for this year.