Winter 2015

Travel (Outside of Canada)

Waterfall in the jungle of the island

Dear Ana,

I am writing this letter to tell you how our family vacation was. We chose Gramado and Canela, two cities in Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. We chose them because Miguel dreamed to see dinosaurs and I found out that in this city there was a kind of open-air museum with many replicas of dinosaurs.

We were there in January. I got a hotel with amazing infrastructure for kids. There was a warm swimming pool and a huge playroom with many games for everyone. The city seemed like a small European town in Brazil. We went to the Parque Terra Magica Florybal where Miguel could see the dinosaurs. We rode a cable car from which you could see the Cascata do Caracol, a waterfall that is 130 meters high.

We visited Mundo a Vapor, one of the many museums in Gramado and Canela. It is a living and interactive museum with locomotives and machinery that explain the working process of various devices and steam engines. We also visited a brewery and Kongo pizzeria with fantastic, impeccable setting. For a few hours, you can forget that you are in Gramado and you truly feel being in Africa, in different climate with thunderstorms and even rain.

On the last day we left to visit the Rua Coberta, Catedral de Pedra and Palacio dos Festivais where usually Gramado Film Festival takes place.

Of course, we didn't see everything in the city. There are many more attractions, but it was an amazing experience, and we collected many precious memories.

I hope to see you soon and share more about our travels.

Your friend,
