Winter 2015


Family using new technology, overhead view

Most of the advanced countries are using technologies in different way such as in industry, building constructions, health, commercials and many more. Even individuals have their own gadgets for personal consumption. Everywhere you can see advanced versions of technologies and what are advantages and disadvantages that these can bring to us.

There are many advantages of technologies that can make our family more comfortable.

First is communication. It is easier now to contact our loved ones anywhere in the world as long as both parties have internet connection. Unlike before, we used landline to contact our loved ones and we were worried about the time call because they were being charged as international calls. Now, due to technology innovation, we can use Skype, the Messenger, etc. to contact our loved ones by phone and video calls.

Second, getting information is so handy. If you have some questions to ask like meaning of the word, explanation of one topic, how to go to one place, recipes, etc. you can search it on the website and you will get the answers easily. In the old times, if we had such questions, either we went to library, looked for the resources, or waited for someone who knew the topic to get the answer.

Third is the variation of entertainment. It gives us different kinds of entertainment on our gadgets such as radios, movies, photos, videos, games, etc. You can be entertained on your phone while browsing the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube on so many different topics. On the internet you can choose whatever you want to watch.

On the other hand, technologies have disadvantages too.

Though physically everybody is present in the house, we forget the family communication because everybody is busy browsing their phones.

Second, scammers are stealing your information. Scammers are trying to get person's information on the Internet. Once they have this information, they can steal money from your bank account online, use your personal photos/videos, and even ask your friend's help like asking for the money.

Third, too much usage of phone is not good for our health. It can make our eye vision blur if exposed too much to the screen.

Above are the main advantages and disadvantages of the technology and how it can impact our family. Overall, the technology makes our life easier, faster and convenient. However, if technology usage is out of our control and we use it too much there will be consequences as well. It will be better to use it only as needed and balance as well according to our life and family.