Winter 2015


Boy using smart phone. Smartphone in hands. Community, social media, communication concept.

Since the appearance of the first networking platforms in the 2000s, social networks have steadily increased their impact on our society. With 4.48 billion active users worldwide, more than one in two human beings will be using social networks on a daily basis by 2021. However, questions are increasingly being asked about their positive effects and impact on society.

What is a social network?

By definition, social networks are online platforms that enable users to create and share content and communicate with other users. Accessible via a mobile app or website, social networks have exploded in popularity over the past two decades, to the point where they are a tool used by the vast majority of the world's population.

With the democratization of the phenomenon, the various social media have specialized in very distinct areas in order to best meet the needs of their users. We can distinguish 4 types of social networks:

  • Business networks like LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Photo-sharing networks like Instagram and Pinterest
  • Video-sharing networks like Youtube and Dailymotion
  • Interactive networks like Snapchat and TikTok

The 6 main benefits of social networking

#1 Social networks help democratize education

Until a few years ago, only a select group of people had access to the highest quality education. Today, thanks to social media, it's possible to access every conceivable piece of information, completely free of charge. You can find modules from ENA, HEC or Polytechnique on YouTube or Twitch, and listen to advice from influencers like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos on their Twitter or Facebook accounts.

Read also: 8 educational Twitch streamers to know at all costs.

#2 Social networks keep you informed about the global situation

Social networks have helped speed up the dissemination of information. So, on your Twitter or Facebook news feed, you can discover news arriving on the other side of the globe in real time. One recent example is Covid-19, where Chinese whistleblowers informed the whole world about the situation in Wuhan at the dawn of the health crisis.

#3 Social networks keep you connected to your loved ones

In a context where seeing family and friends face-to-face is riskier than ever, social networks offer themselves as an alternative to maintain the social link between people thanks to the instant communication tools, games and media sharing that the platforms offer.

#4 Social networks open the door to many opportunities

Like what the metaverse could become in a few years' time, the internet and social networks have brought their share of opportunities. We can cite the creation of new jobs such as influencer or webmarketer, but also the possibility of discovering unknown activities and acquaintances, or reaching people who were previously out of reach (stars, influential people, politicians...).

#5 Social networks help create a sense of community

In a globalized world where there are heaps of individuals with different personalities and interests, social networks help unify certain groups who share common values. In this way, people isolated by their sexuality, religion, social background or passions can come into contact with like-minded individuals and regain a sense of community.

#6 Social networks raise collective awareness

Social networks are powerful tools for highlighting fundamental problems in our society. They are the spearhead for raising awareness of the major issues of our time, such as global warming, social inequality, wars and other geopolitical conflicts around the world.


The 6 major drawbacks of social networking

#1 Social networking can have a negative impact on mental health

Spending too much time on social networks can have disastrous effects on mental health. Multiple studies have found a correlation between social networking and increased anxiety, depression, loneliness, self-harm and suicidal thoughts in young people. Through influencers, social networks can also instill a sense of physical and mental ill-being in teens.

#2 Social networks were designed to be addictive

-Nearly one in four young people aged 12 to 24 has a social networking addiction problem. This increasingly widespread phenomenon, known as cyberaddiction, is the result of the way these applications have been designed. Like video games, social networks are designed to keep the user engaged for as long as possible. Through various mechanisms, the platforms affect the user's brain, releasing large quantities of dopamine (the pleasure hormone) which, over time, causes neurotransmitter dysregulation.

#3 Social networking can lead to abuse

The democratization of social networks has led to the emergence of new forms of abuse. These include cyberstalking, facilitated by the ability to remain anonymous online, as well as various types of scams, data theft and encounters with ill-intentioned people.

#4 Social networks impact on the ability to communicate in real life

One of the less talked-about consequences of social networking is definitely the impact these platforms have on interpersonal relationships. Quite simply, the new generations have

never had such difficulty communicating. Studies have shown that excessive use of social networking sites can accentuate shyness and lack of self-confidence in young people.

#5 Social networking makes us less quick-witted

Despite some positive effects on the human brain, regular use of social networks has a negative impact on long-term cognitive development. In fact, according to a study by South Africa's Economic Research Institute, regular use of social networks reduces the ability to develop a critical mind and make decisions. What's more, they have a very bad effect on attention since they reduce the ability to concentrate.

#6 Social networks reduce the family bond

Returning to interpersonal relationships, social networks tend to create more distance between family members. Social networks, and technology in general, obstruct moments that used to be opportunities for family discussion and fun, such as a good meal or an afternoon of board games.

In conclusion, young people are prolific in their use of social networks . Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Whatsapp are all ways of communicating with friends, making new ones and chatting with family members. The research findings thus demonstrate that negative social media experiences are associated with intensity of use. In my opinion, parents will need to monitor their children conscientiously and explain to them that the ‘’real life’’ is not in the social media .They need to make them use the social media just as tools.