Winter 2015


Newborn baby with mother's hand. Black and white photo.

Motherhood is a blessing from almighty. In this article I would love to talk about my pregnancy which was a high-risk pregnancy. I strongly believe that my pregnancy was a miracle of Allah.

I was working in Amazon and because of covid 19 they gave us two weeks holidays. The first day of holidays I felt lower back pain that was painful and different which I did not experience before. I called my doctor she said maybe you conceived, and this pain was because of pregnancy but I did not agree with her. I thought if I was pregnant why I had regular cycle. However, I went to lab for the urine test, and they told me that I was pregnant but I didn’t trust that report. My husband was very happy after that report, but I was shocked then we went to the hospital. After eight hours of waiting they confirmed that I was six weeks pregnant.

When doctor told me that news, still I didn’t believe her. I asked her if she was sure. she replied 100 percent sure. She also told me that they got heartbeat of my baby as well.

We came back home with a report when I read my report, they mentioned that I have fibroid which is 9cm. I did not discuss this with anyone, but I was worried. Next day my family doctor called me, and she gave congratulated and told me that I have a fibroid, but doctor was not sure why I was bleeding.

Doctor suggested me stay on bed rest, so I applied for sick leave. In my first trimester I ran to the hospital many times because of bleeding whenever I bleeded we thought that maybe I was losing my baby, but every time doctor told us that our baby is safe.

In my second trimester everyone told me that if I walk a lot then I will have a normal delivery, so I started walking. One day when I was going to the walk, I felt pain in my abdomen. Pain was bearable but for my satisfaction I called my doctor and told her about my pain. She sent me for an ultrasound where they told me go to the hospital directly and I had some major problem. I requested them to please let me know if my baby was safe. They said yes then but was the issue? They did not tell me. We ran towards the hospital they saw my report and told me that I have short cervix and my baby will be delivered anytime may be with in two days. On that time, I was 23 weeks pregnant and if baby delivered her serving chances was only twenty five percent.

They admitted me for a one night. Next day they sent me to the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto because in Mississauga hospital they don’t have advance machines to save the baby. In Mount Sinai hospital they kept me for one week then they sent me too the courtyard hotel for one month. They wanted to keep me near the hospital because I could have delivered anytime. They wanted to keep me there until I completed 28 weeks of my pregnancy.

Living in a hotel room for one month with a high-risk pregnancy was not an easy job. In a hotel room my husband was staying with me, but he only came in night because of his work. We bought food from a restaurant that was not good especially when being pregnant you have different mood swings.

With the help of Allah, I completed that time safely and we came back to our home. Doctors were very shocked that why I did not deliver the baby with an extra short cervix they clapped for me.

After that I spent 10 weeks in my house peacefully. I went to the hospital for a regular check in my 39 week of pregnancy doctor checked my cervix and I started bleeding. She sent me to the hospital for delivery. When doctor checked me, she said your cervix is 5cm open why you don’t feel any pain I replied I don’t know. That was a blessing of Allah that I didn’t feel any pain that time. I thought that was a reward from Allah the pain I bear throughout my pregnancy. Finally, with normal delivery I gave birth to my beautiful healthy daughter in this world.

My pregnancy journey was like we were sitting in a roller coaster for 9 months.