Winter 2015


Ukraine War Photo Exhibition at London, Ontario

In February, there was an exhibition of Ukraine war photos in Toronto. As soon as I heard about this exhibition, I immediately contacted the organizers and offered to hold this event in London, ON. I didn’t have any idea how I would help to organize it. I shared my idea with my Canadian friend in St. Thomas, who helps Ukrainians in our community. She organized a meeting with the representatives of the President of Ukrainian Canadian Congress (London branch) and the London Ukrainian Centre and we started to work.

The photo exhibitions "Year of Resilience" and "Kyiv, the Unbreakable Heart of Europe" were presented from April 24 to April 29 in London, ON at the Public Service Church.

These well-known photo exhibitions have travelled around the world, being showcased in Austria, Germany, the U.K. and other European countries. Throughout February and March, they were exhibited in Toronto and other major cities in Ontario before coming to London.

The photo exhibition showcases iconic photographs by Ukrainian and foreign photographers, depicting a year in the life of Ukrainians in Ukraine. The photographs serve as a vivid representation of the heroism, suffering, hope, and victories of the Ukrainian people.

During the week a lot of guests visited the photo fair; among them were politicians, journalists and famous people of the Elgin area and London.

The photo exhibition is organized by IOUC Fourth Wave and Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto, with the support of the Public Service Church, UCC National - Ukrainian Canadian Congress (London Branch), London Ukrainian Centre and a large group of volunteers from London and surrounding area.

I was happy to be a part of the big team. I shared the news about the event with my close friend who is currently on the front line. Here is what he wrote, “ I'm proud of you and all the Ukrainians who don't lose heart and show the world what our country, our people, and our land are like.”

We should continue working to bring victory closer together as soon as possible.