Winter 2015


couple laying and enjoying view of sunset over the city. drinking coffee romantic date

Places can affect our sense of well-being in many ways, such as their lighting, temperature, air quality, noise levels, and overall atmosphere. Some places may make us feel calm and relaxed, while others may make us feel anxious, stressed, or depressed. Natural environments, such as parks or beaches, can have a positive effect on our well-being, while artificial environments, such as office buildings, can have a negative effect.

Places we grow up in can have a significant impact on our character. Our experiences in these places can shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors. For example, growing up in a city may lead to a more fast-paced and competitive personality, while growing up in a rural area may lead to a more laid-back and community-oriented personality.

Personally, I am attracted to places that have natural elements, such as beaches, forests, or mountains. I also enjoy places that are quiet and peaceful, with few people around.

On the other hand, I tend to avoid crowded and noisy places, such as shopping malls or busy city streets. However, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to the types of places they enjoy or avoid.