Winter 2015


Man driving a car on the road. View from inside the car.

A driver's license is not only a permit to drive a vehicle, but also one of the main documents proving you an identity in Canada and in Ukraine. This document is accepted by almost all institutions to confirm your identity. Therefore, many people get a driver's license.

The rules of the road are not much different in Canada and in Ukraine, but the difference in obtaining a license is quite big.

I received a driver's license in Ukraine 4 years ago, so I will tell you about my experience at that time. In Ukraine, in order to get a driver's license, you need to study at a driving school. To enroll in a driving school, you need to collect the required documents, including a medical certificate and a certificate from a psychiatrist that you will behave adequately on the road. After submitting the documents, you are assigned a start date for the course, as a rule, training takes 3 months. During all this time you will study theory and in the last month you will learn to drive with an instructor. At the end of the course you must pass the internal exams at the driving school theory and practice, only after that you will be admitted to the exams at the service center. If you successfully pass the theory then the practical exam is carried out on the same day. After passing all the exams you can get your driver's license the next day.

In Canada obtaining a license is much longer only if you don’t change your country's driver's license to Canadian one. So, to get a license in Canada you need to pass a theoretical exam for knowledge of traffic rules and you will get a G1 license. After that, you need to wait 1 year to pass the practical exam and get a G2 license. This waiting time can be accelerated and you can pass a driving school then in 8 months you will be admitted to the practical exam. After obtaining a license of this category you can drive a car yourself with a small number of restrictions. After waiting another 1 year it will be possible to pass the exam for obtaining Full G category rights. Only with this category you will not have any obstacles to drive freely.

To sum up, obtaining driving license in Ukraine takes 3 months and in Canada 2 years. I think that despite the long journey, Canada has a very effective system for obtaining a driver's license. In this regard, there are fewer accidents on the roads in Canada and drivers behave more prudently.