Winter 2015


Male tourist with flag of Canada in park

Life has a funny way of bringing people back together. Five years ago, I had no knowledge of Canada and had never considered immigrating here until a certain event occurred. One sunny day, I randomly thought about my first love and decided to send her an email but the e-mail address I had was very old and I was not sure if she still used it or not. To my surprise, I received a response from her a month later, revealing that she had been living in Canada for about 17 years.

I had originally planned to travel to Argentina or the US, but I changed my plans to visit Canada after reading that she could be my tour guide in Quebec, a place that I had become interested in after watching a Korean drama. I took a trip to Canada 5 years ago and fell in love with my tour guide, Katie, again, even though 17 years had passed. Despite the challenges of a long-distance relationship for three years, we made it work. Eventually, I decided to move to Canada to start a family with her. We got married about two years ago and we have been living in Langley, BC.

I had lived in Korea as a realtor and businessman, however, that all changed now that I am living in Canada. I decided to follow my passion in computer programming. I had studied computer science at a university in Korea, which had given me the skills and confidence to start looking for a job in the tech industry in Canada. Even though I have not found a job as a programmer yet, I am still studying and improving my skills in hopes of finding a job soon.

My wife and I have found Langley to be a beautiful place and have enjoyed exploring it together. We have a lovely apartment that we call home, and we feel grateful for the opportunity to start fresh in a new place. We support each other and are happy with our new life together in Canada.