Winter 2015


Jardin, Colombia - May 2019 : Picturesque village in cloudy weather, HDR Image

My life in Colombia was very different from the one I live in Canada today. I am an architect and I love this profession. I like to build buildings because my knowledge is translated into physical architectural works. Here in Canada, being an architect is a little different, but I know that with effort, I will achieve it. I do miss my life as it was in Colombia, but Canada has given me the tranquility that I have never felt or experienced.

My family is big. We are seven siblings in total: 3 brothers and 4 sisters. I am the youngest of all seven. I remember when I was child and we all lived together with our parents in Cartagena. Those were very good times. On December 7th, we always had good moments for Dia de las Velitas (Candle Day). During this holiday, our entire neighbourhood would celebrate the Holy Mary together by lighting candles outside our homes. Christmas and New Year’s always had a lot of food, laughs, and all the love in the air that only family could give you. I love and miss all my family. We never know what we have until we lose it.

My best friend is Ana Milena and at that time, she was my co-CEO. I call her Mile. We founded our company, Global Architect in 2010. She is my friend and my confidant. We are always part of each others lives. In the past, everyone believed that we were more than friends, but that was never the case. I have always respected her and thought she was a beautiful woman. My other best friend is Sergio. We always had many parties, adventures, and trips with our girlfriends. He always followed me in all the crazy ideas that I had. Apart from my family, I miss both of them very much.