Winter 2015


Young woman with national flag of Canada on color background

Welcome to the land of opportunity! This is the best thing I heard when I set my foot in this beautiful country. My cousin said that to me when he picked me up at the airport. For newcomers, it motivates us to work hard in our capacities in order to achieve our established goals.

As a matter of fact, Canada provides a great platform for everyone to pursue higher education, land jobs in new fields, start their own businesses, participate in religious activities, and much more. Besides all of these opportunities, the fundamental freedoms guarantee that everyone has their rights to live freely. Multiculturalism makes this society more colorful and enjoyable, and very few other countries have the same level of freedom as Canada.

We can easily find a variety of cuisines from all over the world, like Chinese, Indian, Afghani...you name it. They are both accessible and affordable for most families with average household income.

Overall, Canada is the best place to live and study. I will make every effort to establish myself on this land of opportunity.