Winter 2015


Hobbiton movie set created for filming The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies in North Island o

The world was changing, everything that existed before had disappeared. The Lord of the Rings created three rings that were given to both humans and dwarves. The ring was made in the land of Mordor, made by a dark lord to control others. The ring contained hatred and cruelty that would rule everyone. A dark lord and the ring controlled everyone, but there were some who fought back.

The ring was finally taken from the dark Lord.

The ring went to Isadore, but everyone wanted it, so a war arose to have it. After a while, a person found it and only Hobbes the dwarf was visited by Gandalf. He asked Hobbes to destroy it. Hobbes went with other dwarves to throw the ring into a large volcano. The ring was the cause of many wars that faced humans and dwarves.

At the end of the movie, the ring was destroyed and thrown into the volcano in a place where no one could reach it.

The best part of the movie was when the two guys took the ring to the volcano.

The main actors were Frodo, Sam, and Gandalf.