Winter 2015


Prince Louis Rwagasore (1932-1961) on 100 Francs 2010 Banknote from Burundi. Burundi's national and

The Republic of Burundi is a small, beautiful country located in the heart of Africa. Its neighboring countries are Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Tanzania.

One of Burundi's treasures is Lake Tanganyika which is the second deepest lake in the world.

The most enduring figure in Burundi is a prince and politician named Prince Louis Rwagasore, who led the country's independence movement. And despite his young age, he fought bravely for Burundi to liberate itself from the colonial yoke.

At that time, only those who governed the country, among others the Belgians, were the only ones who were allowed to sell food products such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, and so on.

Prince Louis Rwagasore fought against such unfair laws with his vision and tenacity, and to bring about change, he established a number of African cooperatives to promote economic independence. However, Belgium swiftly outlawed these cooperatives in 1958.

In the same year, he created his nationalist political movement Unity for National Progress (UPRONA) and called on the local population to boycott Belgian shops, which landed him in jail.

Despite many setbacks, in 1961 he and his political movement won elections and was proclaimed prime minister with a mandate to prepare the country for independence.

However, Prince Louis Rwagasore was assassinated on October 13, 1961, before he could see the independence, he had fought so hard for.

Burundi finally had its independence on July 1, 1962. But Prince Louis Rwagasore has remained to this day the hero of our country because of his love for the country, and his determination to see the Burundians become independent.