Winter 2015


Laptop and books on floor carpet

Because of Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has become even more popular than before. Some persons think that studying online has more benefits, but others prefer the traditional way of physical presence in the classroom. I will discuss both views and explain which method would be the most efficient.

Thanks to technological evolution, remote education system includes high speed internet and remote communication software which provide people with flexibility and convenience to study online even in the pandemic period. Students can enjoy remote learning without in-person face-to-face communication between teachers and students. For example, with a multitude of online videos and websites, students could study at any time according to their schedule and on their own pace. Secondly, students and teachers don’t have to head to the same location for a class, they just bring their computer to a comfortable place like home, backyard, or a coffee shop. These kinds of flexible and convenient methods makes study more relax and comfortable.

On the other hand, other people believe studying in person at the university campus is still a better choice because people could be focusing more on study and social skills. For instance, the relationships are easier to build between students and teachers in a classroom or lecture setting. In one aspect, when a student is sitting in a classroom and listening to the course face-to-face, there’s a low chance to be distracted compared to sitting in front of a computer where most students may do other things like chat with friends or watch a video in parallel with study. Another aspect is when students show-up in the classroom, they can talk with teachers and colleagues more easily, which is good for them to know each other and make friends. Overall, students could take advantage of studying on site to achieve a better academic score and improve socialization skill.

In summary, both sides are right from their own perspective and students will benefit from any style they choose. They can either enjoy the flexibility and convenience, or more concentration and socialization. Therefore, I think, combining these two ways together may be the best choice; for instance, using a blended method of 3 days per week to study in-person and another 2 days to study online. In this way, the students could enjoy benefits of both methods and make studying more efficient.