Winter 2015


Two young men in a driving session. The instructor is teaching the young man to drive. The instructo

Before coming to Canada, I had been driving for 16 years in my home country, Philippines. To be honest, I’m not really a good driver. If I had to rate my driving on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d probably rate myself at a 6 or 7. Thank goodness I have not been involved in any major accidents on the road. I really like how much easier it is to drive a motor vehicle here in Canada compared to in my home country. I have learned a lot of things about driving since moving to Canada.

I remember learning to drive in Philippines. In Philippines, I was able to buy my own car before even learning how to drive well. When I bought my car, I asked my friend to drive it home while I sat in the passenger seat as I wasn’t confident in driving it home on my own. While we were on the road, my friend started teaching me how to drive. I needed to be attentive. He showed me where to place each foot on each pedal and how to use the clutch. He showed me how to release the clutch slowly while changing gears. When we reached my house, we talked more about my new vehicle. He gave me tips on how to maintain my car well. A couple of hours after my friend left, I was so excited to drive my car. I started the engine and applied the techniques my friend had taught me. I pushed the clutch all the way down and put it in first gear. At first, I slowly released the clutch. Then, I released the clutch quickly to stop the engine. I started the engine again. After practicing several times, I was able to do it correctly and move my car back and forth in my little garage without the engine stopping. After a couple of days, I practiced driving a little in my neighbourhood with my friend beside me. I was so happy during that time, way back in 2005. And here I am now in 2022 and I can say with full confidence that I am a much better driver than I was in 2005!