Winter 2015


Canadian doctor holding heart with flag of Canada background. Healthcare, charity, insurance and med

Have you ever faced problems regarding long waiting time appointments for physicians, negligence or malpractice in the health care system in Canada? I am sure that you had experience with them. There are advantages and disadvantages. First, I would say the best benefit in the Canadian health care system would be patients do not have to pay any fees to receive required medical care. For example, one does not have to any fee to visit the doctor. However, there are many disadvantages. For instance, inappropriate treatment. Lastly, imbalance in number between patient and physicians and some Canadians do not have family doctors. In summary, there would be advantages and disadvantages in the health care system in Canada.

The best positive point in the health care system in Canada, is patients need not pay to get required clinical consideration. First, there are many services covered under free treatment including childbirth, surgeries. Lastly, it can be stated that prescription drugs like intravenous antibiotics, painkillers and blood thinners medications are given free of cost in the hospital. So, the best thing in the healthcare system is to pay no charges to get required clinical treatments.

There are many disadvantages regarding the medical care framework. The most noticeable manifestation of Canada's failing health care system is waiting times for health care services. For example, waiting times for major surgeries, which have only gotten longer since the beginning of the pandemic that can cause missing many patients following deterioration of patients. Secondly, according to new research it has been shown that more than a third of Canadians have a family doctor. This issue isn't that Canadians aren't trying to find a family doctor, it's that the understaffing of Canada's health care system and physicians. To summarize, it may very well be expressed that the reason for the lack of medical personnel is that the medical council of Canada is not interested in employing more health care providers or to hire foreign physicians and nurses.

Reports show that six million people in Canada remain without a doctor. In some areas there may be only one family doctor per town. For example, one doctor in Wheatley, Ontario, is responsible for 1,400 patients, the report said. Lastly, poor quality healthcare function would be another issue in the health care system in Canada. Today, inaccurate diagnosis, medication errors, inappropriate treatment, inadequate or unsafe clinical facilities or practices and or providers who lack adequate training and expertise prevail in all countries including Canada. In Conclusion, the disproportion between the number of medical personnel and the number of patients has caused doctors and nurses to not be able to spend enough time for accurate diagnosis of patients, which has resulted in the lack of correct diagnosis, medical malpractice and the loss of life of some patients.

To sum up, the health care system in Canada has benefits and inconveniences. First, Canada has an open supporting medical services framework for every one of its residents. For example, many surgeries and seeing the physicians are free of charge. Second, a lot of delays are driven by the fact that hospitals operate at very high capacity because there are large numbers of patients requiring alternate levels of care. Finally, many people who reported difficulty accessing any specialized services indicating that the problem was with wait times for seeing the specialty physicians. As a recap, many strengths and weaknesses exist in Canada’s health care system and the latest Commonwealth Fund Report ranked Canada's health care system ninth out of 11 high-income countries.