Winter 2015


Close of female hand with green sprout growing in soil

The environment is a space where life develops; therefore, water, land, air, and living beings need an adequate atmosphere to exist; destruction of the global environment could generate the death of life as we know it, that is why we must raise awareness and protect the environment, The world experiencing different problems such as the accumulation of garbage, droughts and water shortages, massive and abusive consumption, and polluted air, accordingly the following recommendations are proposed to help the care and recovery of the global environment: such as recycling by zones, collection, and filtering of rainwater, and mandatory use of clean energy in homes and industries.

Protecting the environment is the job of everyone; the planet is ours, and we need to duty to implement actions that allow life to prevail on the earth; let’s start talking about recycling by zones that help us face the garbage problem that is usually linked to massive and abusive consumption, In some countries of the world there is no garbage and solid waste collection, this becomes a severe problem and affects people's health, and in the countries where this collection service exists, excess consumption generates a high volume of waste to be collected constantly, but if we implement a zoned recycling system, that is, if there were a solid waste treatment factory very close to your home, this would allow garbage to be collected constantly, and recycling would be much more effective.

Another problem to consider helping improve the environment would be drought and water scarcity. Still, if we collect and filter rainwater with a system installed in the homes and buildings of our community, we could have access to clean recurrent water drinking in our life; in Canada, with the large amount of snow that is generated during the periods of storms during the winter, you could keep our homes supplied with drinking water and help the rivers and lakes to remain intact.

Another of the biggest problems in our environment is pollution, the situation that has been a generator of life destruction; consequently, the obligation of governments at a global level is to implement laws that force homes and companies to use cleaner energy, such as electric vehicles, solar panels, wind energy, It would be very positive to be able to supply all the power that your home needs with solar panels, at the same time having your vehicle parked in your parking lot connected to the electrical installation that comes from the solar panels that cover the parking lot.

The care and protection of the environment is an issue that must be taken seriously and responsibly; we have only one planet, and taking care of it is in our hands; taking measures that allow us to prolong life is our obligation; therefore, that implementing the steps mentioned above can generate a significant positive change that future generations will thank us, There should be millions of roads to protect the environment. Still, we can start by attacking the garbage problem with recycling centers in urban areas, the issue of water scarcity with a rainwater collection and purification system and pollution with laws that force humanity to use clean energy.