Winter 2015


Female High School Teacher Taking Class

The positive mentor in my life was one of my high school English teachers. She was not only gave me the gift of knowledge or the ability to write a college level essay, she acted as a role model for me. During high school, I was facing struggles within my friend group. Some of my friends bullied me and said some mean things about me. It made me question my friendships with them and I got lost. On one hand I didn’t want to lose their friendships that I had to put so much on myself, but on the other hand, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to forget or move past the things they had said about me, even if I would want to forgive them.

I felt vulnerable telling my teacher about this issue, but I confided in her because I looked up to her and trusted her. She listened to me and gave me advice and allowed me to open and feel comfortable. being vulnerable in front of her and through this experience I learned the importance of surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and don’t put you down. I also learned how my friends made me feel and that humbled me and made me more aware of the way I treat people.

A negative leader in my life I’d say was my high school badminton coach. He constantly put me and my teammates down and made us feel unworthy. What I can take away from this experience is that it’s good to feel assured in who you are as a person. Don’t let what other people say about you affect who you know you are and don’t allow it to affect the way you view yourself and your morals.