Winter 2015


Flooding of the road after a storm

Before I came to Canada, I lived in Germany for a couple of years. It became my second home. I visited Germany once or twice a year. I have a lot of friends. In Germany, I always have a good time. With Covid 19 and lockdown, we couldn't travel anymore until 11th of July, 2021, we travelled there. We were so happy to be in Germany again, to be in our apartment, to see family and friends, to taste the food, and to go shopping.

One evening it was raining but it was not cold. We had dinner around 7 o’clock. After dinner, I bathed my little son. We were reading a book together and I had to put him to bed. I made Moroccan tea with mint, and we watched a movie for a while. Then the power went off. We lit some candles and used a flashlight. We heard from the neighbor that we have to move our car from the parking garage below because of the high level of water coming.

One hour later, the water came into the apartment and it was rising within a minute. The water level moved up by the minute. We were not able to get out from the door but from the bathroom's window to the next level with my son in my husband’s arms. The water became higher and higher and with help from a neighbor, we went a level up to the garage roof and from there we got rescued from the neighbor above.

We lost everything. The next day we had just pajamas. It was a disaster. The high-water level in our apartment was almost 2 meters. It was a very bad flood.