Winter 2015


Warehouse freezer door covered in ice and frost

Standing in the middle of an industrial freezer and looking at the entrance door.

I will never forget the feeling of subcool (-48 degrees Celsius) temperature. When outside temperature was around 45 degrees Celsius in the middle of August, I was an apprentice at a secret facility as a newly graduated mechanical engineer.

I was following my supervisor to check that subcool freezer, with our normal clothes. Stepping inside that dark and cold room thoughts start in my head, “What if that door closed?” Nobody would know we are inside this freezer. How could we escape from this room? Dealing with these types of questions, I noticed a strange sound. It was the voice of my clothes freezing! My clothes! I had a feeling that my pants and shoes were starting to freeze and getting stiff.

At the same time, my eyes started burning. I was thinking that my tears were freezing, and then I got very scared. Staring at my supervisor, I thought maybe he had some worries or maybe he didn’t. He was passing through the room toward the controlling instrument while I was looking if there was a knob on the door to be sure I could open the door if it closed. I was so scared that my mind was not processing the situation! However, I didn't realize that the door could open to the outside simply by pushing it out. I realized it was easy and safe to get out of the room after all. That’s why there was no knob on the door to open!

But this feeling didn’t last long. I guess my supervisor was watching me and understood my panic, so he called me over. He asked me to check something. Soon, I didn’t worry as much after I started working. We spent less than five 5 minutes inside that room, and my toes were already numb. We ran out of the room after, and thankfully I never had the chance to be in there again. Occasionally, I remember those moments inside the freezer room. I don’t know what would be my reaction if I have to do that again, but I’m sure it would not be the same feeling. These are unforgettable moments that anyone might experience on some occasions and have different reactions.